Tuesday, 2 May 2006

She said "Some days I feel like shit,
Some days I wanna quit, and just be normal for a bit,"
I quote from fort minor...

So, I want you to know it's a little fucked up,
I quote again...

so kage u r not the only one that feel like that... if u are reading this...

tsk... i think i noe... tomorrow for my chem paper... i going to
screw it up... coz i dumb enough to fall asleep while studying
emath... so now... rushing through my crap chem notes...
no tuition can help me now... tsk...

my dumb bro never throught of waking me up till it was about
8pm.... now i m screwed... i suppose to get an B4 for chem...
if i screw chem paper 2 up... it is hopeless... paper 1 only
carry 40 marks.... well.. it screwed... i screwed... screwed
till i nid to see BC again.. for the 3rd time...
well at least i did not screwed up my physics paper 1 that bad...
according to the other CLB guyz... who taking pure phy...
my one look quite gd... about 5 mistakes i think... well missed
ML average... and i noe in phy paper2 i will not do well....
so... i m dead again... flush....

tsk... now rushing through my chem looks useless...
coz i need to destress after reviewing or i can not sleep...
last nite destressing for phy took me 2 hrs... tonite... i dunnoe..... |T.T|
no sleep again... ... geez i m worrying too much again... fuck...

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