Wednesday, 11 October 2006

ok... some people want me to show the fakes... so here it is... wait let me check my phone... i wrote the fakes somewhere inside it...

ok,the fakes are 2 4 15 17 19

2. it is so in your face... i state somewhere that i am not with someone...
4. My study room is never clean... [except on sunday morning coz my tutor come over... but it is in a mess again after that 2 hour]
15. I dun buy music cds coz i cannot get them.... try finding some quite indie and emo, and local bands that are good and not popluar...
17. Nope it is not full of THINK posters... i got one communist and 10 things to do in the toilet poster and that is all... it is full of school notices...
19. if u went out with me before you know that i dun eat anything... coz i am chosy and that i cannot take chilli and MSG... and some seed /nuts... i will have some reaction which can land me in OPC...

the truth
1. I hate my life... just look at the post below this...

3. I am going to work and save for a DSLR cam... ya... they dun want to give me.. so i have to work for it...
5. I really have 4 LCD screens on my study table. 1 is the pig's, 1 is the tiger's. 1 is my laptop's and the last one is my not-in-use-server's
6. sneeze when it is about to rain, ya... but thanks to the haze... it is messing my nose
7. toilet-bowl man/guy... ya...the njrc emcees said that last year... this year is only some officials...
8. Went clubbing before, the underaged one... luckly managed to get in, after 5hrs of waiting...
9. I spent 3 FRS carrying the robot, 04, 05, 06... frs ppl will know that...
10. I download at least 100gb of anime liao. want to check? my 100gb external HDD is full...
11. I reallydun remember people who borrow small changes from me...
12. have not started to study for o's... moodless to study or cannot study[look at below post]
13. nicknames, many: togusa, kuraichi, raider, raid3r, cjwei, cjw, chairman, tableman, emo head... guthic [ it is gothic but some ppl pronounces as gut-hic]
14. my major exams results are usually worse than my usual ones... look at my psle and my psle prelim...
16. I broke down in school many times, ya i have... afew time in class... afew times in front of teachers... afew times for robotics... i am emo okay?
18. People still call me class chairman yup... some of my sec 1 and 2 classmates still calling me that just to disturb...
20. I like buying clothes! i seem to buy some clothes back everytime i go out with my mom. got new jacket!

now you know...
time for me to go do my chem till i can sleep... nite

* i need to go and bowl! my arm itchy... need to hit some pins...*

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