Wednesday, 11 October 2006

as the days grows nearer to the o's... i start to hate this family.... first is that i AM forced to do things i dun want... or not i the mood to do.... example.... forcing me to do the hotel booking for the trip when that tiger, sitting next to me is playing the stupid card game when i am trying to study..... man... that tiger say he cannot do the bookings coz he is not feeling well... what the fuck is that??? u sitting there and play computer... it is the same thing as booking a hotel online....

ok... next point... i booked the room, at that time before i book they say can... once i receive the reply... they want to cancel as they found a cheaper place... and want me to re-book again... waste of time!!! go and do it yourself lah... people could o's... and they disturbing... fuck it.... parents these days... think their child are so smart that dun need to study... hello? i screwed up my prelims and they not allowing me to study... what fuck is that...

i hate them... sometimes... i just wish i could disappear and find a nice spot to study... oh i found it... it is in my fucking hot study room... it is just that i got a stupid and fat tiger playing his computer next to me and a fat pig playing warcraft 3 in front of me while i study... IT IS NOT FAIR... How come the pig dun need to study for his FYE???? oh he is in the 2nd top class... dun need also can... fuck it....

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