Monday, 7 August 2006

Basic Jap 101 (part 1)

ok i am getting pissed by some local with their stupid chi-jap-singlish words.... like "fugugu" ask any japanese and they will be wondering what the fuck u are saying.... that word, according to the boon... is fuck.... fugugu = fuck ??? WRONG!!!!! there is no such word!!!!

so i every 2 weeks [or month] going to post BASIC JAP 101 for the Local little red dotters....


hello 1. konnichi wa コンニチ フ
2. moshi-moshi モツ-モツ

Thanks/ 1. arigatō アリガト
thank you

what 1. nani ナニ

when 1. itsu イツ

where 1. doko de/ni ドコ デ/ニ

which 1. dono ドノ

how: 1. dōshite ドツテ
how pretty 2. nanto kawaii ナソト カワイイ
how old are you 3. Nansai desu ka ナンサケ デス カ

stupid/idiot 1. baka (na) バカ (ナ)
stupidity 2. baka na koto バカ ナ コト
you fool/jerk 3. bakarashii バカラツイ

cute 1. kawaii カワイイ

Bleh... part 1 of infinite of parts..... why am i doing this???

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