bleh.... life sux.... my cbox still got some fucking error... well it is when i view it on my laptop... my phone still cannot sms to some ppl.... stupid singtel... or starhub... they both are saying something is wrong with your phone kage.... tsk... think i better reset the line...
bleh... ok nickorasu i got the MoS: the annual 06.... i wanted the summer collection but it is like $50 for it.... T.T... the summer one is nicer but i no money[once again...]... bleh...
well i will be going on holiday... on sunday... to K.L... [ o.o ] well it is actually a shopping trip... [ i nid a new sling bag, some cheap shirts, pants... games, shoes... socks... and the list goes on.... -.-] sound like a girl on a shopping trip... bleh...
now should i cut my hair... it is damn long.... nite
*** i forgot... NEW BLOGSKIN... IF u want it... sms me... i lazy to put on
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