Wednesday, 19 October 2005

what a flushing day

*For those who noe me,would noe that i can to sub words to be come a vague word. Example is the word flush...

Y, it is a flushing day? firstly, have to go back to school after a week of 'holiday' if u consider it... right, going to sch is more fun,but today was to check the exam papers.... the 2nd reason... 3rd is all because English was my 1st period after assembly.... well about 5 unhappy heads,1 crying guy and me(damn pissed)failed...[ToT]... yap i failed my english paper... only hope now is that my ENG overall is a pass...or i pass 5 other subjects. If i dun't make it for both choices, Normal here i come or i beg the school to allow me to retain me... Y, i choose retain over going normal if i can not enter sec 4... Simple,

I SCORE TOO OK for THE other SUBJECTS, my pure phy, B4, 0.6% to get a B3.... what the flush right... just missed it... Next pure Chem, B3, just managed to get a B3... (lucky) E Math: B3, like expected it to be... A math,i dunno what happen but the highest in my class is 42/80... i got 40/80... lucky A math overall is a C5

Now 4 other subject pass, ENG fail... Therefore 1 subject left... my second weakest comb. hum
chances that i funk it.... but i dunnoe my comb. hum yet.... slow teachers... with the thinking of going normal in mind i was piss n stoned for half an hour... till stupid banana aka barnabas piss me off even more.... shouted at the moron till he kind of run to the back of the classroom.... well it calmed me down...

after sch suppose to have robotics meeting but mdmsoh said that there were not enough ppl there... so the meeting was canceled thanks to her... spoilt my day..... really it is a flushing day...

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