Sunday, 30 October 2005

I m being a little lagging this week. Lets go back to Friday.... The last day of school... i should be happy but not... i dun't noe y... i cannot get my report card as i had to see the principal next wed.. coz i almost fail my english...crap la... anyway i jumped from 34 postition in class to 4th postition due to it... nice right, about 20 guyz were pissed about it... i still get promoted to Sec 4 but nid to sit for the sup exam...

SAT: Scout meeting, outing and BBQ.. also nick's BD. First, was Lan Gaming.. boon screwed me up by telling me the wrong thing to wear... stupid baboon... then was the BBQ... K.D invited the peicai guides.... for nothing... the bbq food was not nice and aung's gf from sdu started some games so the guides and us to mix... like i dun't noe them... in the end nick got caked by his own BD cake.... hahaha boon was an ahole... he took the remaining cake and i got caked from him... dirty my shirt... no english tution, pushed to mon

Finally, Today: woke up at 7am... man, it is the sch holidays,dad, i nid the sleep... rushed to s'pore swimming club(ssc) for my bro's swimming class... went to d gym and bowling... best game since june... it still is lousy... reached home at 8pm.... more than 12hrs out... feel unwell again

tmr got tution... eng tution is not to be mrs lowe taking us i was told today... still got A math stright after it... can stand it lah... nid to sleep now...

Wednesday, 26 October 2005

I must be one of the luckily students in singapore, Y? all because this i dun't have any classes...(k, it may not be gd...) let see, Monday, no school... Tuesday, went sci centre, first time this yr, i went there not for robotics... was damn crowded la....

Today, best... let see, morning assembly was screwed by the rain... Notices was screwed up by JK... Then it was time for to go for the 'fine dining 'course... i got a massive jack by phoon(a teacher)... right, phoon has jack me 3 time in sch b4,but this was the biggest one he did...

course was ok... the 1st trainer, chirst... was damn funny... " when go to italy never use the hand sign for food in india," why? it means what the'flush' in italy.... after 2 hrs, it was time to practice... it was our lunch.... it sux man... after that had to rush back to sch... no 2-way bus trip...

robotics meeting was fun today, fll team has finished half of the mission... the list of ppl want to join frs 06 is gd... i was playing half the time... last meeting b4 the holidays for most of them.

Tomorrow is best, moive screening from 8am till 1.45pm.... crazy post-exam activites... i dun't feel like going ah... but still nid...

Monday, 24 October 2005

hope,hoping and hoped

It is time of the year that all Sec students hate,final exam results session is here....
Shit lah, i wonder will ah seow let me pass my Eng or i don't get promoted... Today, got no sch as it was promotion day... it is not for students but for teachers to talk about students...

what today cannot write finish my blog.... talking to friend on msn for the last 2hr... but i will say that i want to be promoted....

Friday, 21 October 2005

i'm saved... or... just pray lah

Perfect commendation today was a pure waste of time, but before that i had sch till 9.40... The moral of the class dropped like hell after 48% of the class, failed Comb. hum... only about 25 ppl appeared today in the morning...

Morning assembly was more to a jacking session today... i first time managed to jack babber 3 times in a row in five minutes... haha. Next was that ML forgot there was a prize presentation and was about to dismiss the sch b4 mrsCharles(the principal) inform him... JACK... we were laughing lah. The last Jacking was that auntie teo ( the lousy home econ teacher which cost half of my last yr class to get food poisoning) chose an Indian fellow to read chinese names for the prize presentation... he pronoun Chan as Chi-an... man, dumb thinking... my class was roaring with laugher after 3 more mispronouns...

ChemTan wanted to teach the class but realise the moral was too low for anyone to learn a thing... Y it is so low now? De chairman had in hand the overall grades for all the subjects and the pass or fail...

I failed 2... read the last posting for it.... 49% for eng...Next period was to be SKY's but Dumbledore Army(DA) took over... she scolded us for failing so badly for her geog paper... please note: class moral drop even more...(-10%) :@...

Till almost the whole class did not want to go for the
Perfect commendation... DA let us off at 10am (20 min late) and had to rush to St Andrew cathedral by 10.30.... it started late and ended at 12pm... Man, ppl were sleeping and talking inside during the thing, teachers included... went for 3 yrs of it is no joke... always the same... saw one of the PC's guides, didn't noe she was their vice- president... Ah seow is a 1 kind... when it end she stand up like she was one of the guest... when the rest of the teachers were still sitting... i had to find her to add 1% to my english to pass... but she dissappeared into the reception... had to wait 15mins for her to come out... and YES she will add the %... thank mdm i will take back all the stuff i said about u... maybe lah...-.-"

After the whole thing went to have lunch wit TimChew at BK... he failed and scared to go Normal.. retant i say, retake sec 3 is better... that was 12.45 still have to wait till 2pm to meet up wit dad to go kusu island for prayers.... i hanged around City Hall till time...

At kusu, i prayed that my teachers will add a little more for the combined Hum. and i just prayed and prayed and prayed(sound like a friend)...
Went back mainland and bought a new shoe(at least it is new) and had dinner at CA with my parents

Man, hope they dun't start shouting at me for my lousy results...

Quote of the Day: pray and pray and prayed...

Thursday, 20 October 2005

I'm doom or......

ok... It is almost confirm... i m doom... i fail my comb. hum... therefore i may drop to normal cause i frunk my stupid england... English, english... well, there is still 1 last chance to stay in express... that is ah seow add 1% to my english overall... oh she would, if i copied the 1st 5 chapters of Genesis of the bible... I am not a Christian, for god sake... opps, too many yrs in a christian school. Mdm, u can not force a person to copy the bible... did u not read the newspaper a few weeks back," Teach not peach" anyway i will copy it for u for my marks and not to enter normal... i dun't care about the "teach not peach" stuff if u give me the marks... i copied off from the net... anyway if i copy it ,ah seow will have a hard time reading it.

It is also amazing that teachers allow us to watch a M18 horror moive. Best thing it was raining and cold like the moive...(ain't it nice and scary)... Bean fell off his chair during 1 of the scary parts and banana tried to disturb ah seow... crazy guy...

Tomorrow, got that perfect commendation and going kusu island for prayers, praying for ahseow and the other of my teacher to give me the extra help i nid... i dun't mind sitting the sub paper...
tired... long day tomorrow... away from the keyboard...

Quote of the day: teach, not peach...;)

Wednesday, 19 October 2005

what a flushing day

*For those who noe me,would noe that i can to sub words to be come a vague word. Example is the word flush...

Y, it is a flushing day? firstly, have to go back to school after a week of 'holiday' if u consider it... right, going to sch is more fun,but today was to check the exam papers.... the 2nd reason... 3rd is all because English was my 1st period after assembly.... well about 5 unhappy heads,1 crying guy and me(damn pissed)failed...[ToT]... yap i failed my english paper... only hope now is that my ENG overall is a pass...or i pass 5 other subjects. If i dun't make it for both choices, Normal here i come or i beg the school to allow me to retain me... Y, i choose retain over going normal if i can not enter sec 4... Simple,

I SCORE TOO OK for THE other SUBJECTS, my pure phy, B4, 0.6% to get a B3.... what the flush right... just missed it... Next pure Chem, B3, just managed to get a B3... (lucky) E Math: B3, like expected it to be... A math,i dunno what happen but the highest in my class is 42/80... i got 40/80... lucky A math overall is a C5

Now 4 other subject pass, ENG fail... Therefore 1 subject left... my second weakest comb. hum
chances that i funk it.... but i dunnoe my comb. hum yet.... slow teachers... with the thinking of going normal in mind i was piss n stoned for half an hour... till stupid banana aka barnabas piss me off even more.... shouted at the moron till he kind of run to the back of the classroom.... well it calmed me down...

after sch suppose to have robotics meeting but mdmsoh said that there were not enough ppl there... so the meeting was canceled thanks to her... spoilt my day..... really it is a flushing day...

Tuesday, 18 October 2005

bored day...

Woke up at 12 noon today... did nothing much except playing maple for 5 hrs till i leveled to lvl 25.... slow right.... then check my blog and guess what some moron, at least 2 moron (i found 2 IP address) flooded my Cbox using my nicknames, all 3 of them. So i m going to set some rules:

Rule 1: No using my nicknames or i will chase down your IP and find you.
Rule 2: Flood if u want, but use your own nicknames.
Rule 3: If u do not follow the rules, u will be ban from using the Cbox.

what a 'short' blog....

Monday, 17 October 2005

back to sch to play.....

Monday, should be a sch day but not... woke up at 8.30 to rush to sch for robotics meeting with the FLL team or at least... i hope, only ming yang was there.... one man team gd luck for him... anyway mdm soh forgot the keys so i only can help ming yang build the mission field, luckly i build the parts at home or will take at least the whole day build...

At about 10am, turtle appeared at de door during his perp class's ,for 'O' lvl, break... Then more ppl came in, some 3sT guyz begged to enter... then turtle's classmates appeared... lastly, Kian seng... it is amazing how some morons think that kian seng was my twin... well both of us hav the same surname, around the same height( 1 or 2 cm plus minus), wear spec, play bf 2, hair style and colour almost the same, we both r computer geeks (i think so) but who cares... back to the main topic, why they appeared? to play the computers la... always the same thinking...

i suppose to go for some scout meeting but did not as the field took longer than i expected it to be... to build it... then 3 hrs tution,add math 3 hrs.... did not last, only for 2.5hrs b4 brain frozed up.... haiz not to sure i did pass well for final yr exam but will noe soon, wed to be exact...
0035 hrs.....

Friday, 14 October 2005

4th day after Exams.....

The 4th day after the Final year Exams.... how bored can i be.... very bored to be correct. K,so no sch is no gd or at least to boring... but that is not what i should be talking about... During this 4 days and 4 late nights of going out for LAN gaming and Bowling,Playing BF2 till 1am, fixing my CPU (at last i did it) and hacking(not the kind that u r thinking). I was 'hacking' that CPU of mine to find that freaking little virus which eats up all the freaking processing speed of that P 4 1.5GHZ of mine... alright it is slow to u tech-freaks,geek or game-junkie but i used to overclock it till 1.65-+ GHZ..... Found it anyway, was some trojon... man, Norton u SUX a small trojon and u cannot detect till i must D.I.Y... i'm buying bitdefender... NO more Norton coz u sux... I m lame...

After playing almost all my games, i wanted to play MS but the dumb auto-patch got an error...and ppl got stuck in a certain map area... What MS u got hacked... very unlikely... but who noes... I just want to play MapleSEA.... *current stats: downloading mapleSEA patch 1.14v to 1.15v (90.3mb) (quite big for a patch) at 7.2kb/sec (not that my internet is slow but is their sever) ETA:3 hrs.....* [ToT]

Yesterday, discuss with russ about Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex (GITS:SAC) since he did not understand the plot and storyline.
Before i continue,

the following passages may contain spoiltters for the anime show, "Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex : 2nd GIG"

1st thing, one must watch GITS:SAC 1st GIG to understand what was the Laughing Man incident (look at my profile for laughing Man logo) and Stand Alone Complex(SAC). A SAC refers to the phenomena of emergent behavior catalyzed by parallelization of the human psyche through the cyberbrain networks on a societal level. There is no original, there is no leader. What ties together the disparate and unrelated individuals into the event called the "laughing man" case is the systematic motive encoded into the basic informational flow itself. This concept of an ever normalized ego into the fabric of society recall the writings of Philip K. Dick, among others.( I quote from wikipedia)

This is what Philip K. Dick wrote that looks like SAC, he call it,
VALIS is an acronym for Vast Active Living Intelligence System which has almost the same meaning, this 2 acronyms are actual happening to the world now, terroist events rather than the Individual 11 or the Laughing Man Case in GITS:SAC.

Now to answer my friend russ question, Y did the individual 11 cut their head off... It is simple just like the 2nd laughing man incident which all the copy-cats 'masked' their face with the laughing man logo, it was just to get the pubic eyes of what they did...

2nd question russ asked, what cause the individual 11 to happen or appear? This is my theroy from the show, one of the guy, Gouda, from CIA (not to be mixed with the US one) who wrote about "Stand Alone Complex" idea years before the laughing man incident (the 1st SAC that happened) created a virus called Individual Eleven after a book about this case happen in Japan in 1946. The 11 that chop their head off were scearching for the book got the virus by 'accident' which cause them to do all this make the refguee start a civil war in japan....

--this passages may contain a LOT of spelling mistakes--

That is all that i can think of if u got any comment just use the tag board.....
Oh 2am Sat, i spent 2hrs writing this blog. amazing......

1 thing to think about: Laughing man Incident and Individual Eleven are StandAlone Complexes , so what... terrorist case r StandAlone complex ??
------------- log off------------

Monday, 10 October 2005

End of year exams Over....

Yes!!! time to play or do more robotics!!!!... play first lah....Geog paper was pure crap... only can answer most of the Questions in lay man term.... (T.T) Chances r high that i would fail...(ToT).... Add Maths was worse... first time that i not finish it... Miss tan complained that my table was too mess up.... k, tell that after the paper... wait, she told me during and after..... haiz..... LK don't set the paper to hard pls.... mRsYeO's paper should be harder... nxt wk, still got Add math class,LK and mRsYeO want to teach all the way till Binomial Theorem ( 3 chaps away....) like he said, i quote,"there is no such thing as post-exam break in Sec 3"....
Numb3rs was nice to watch.... it is like CSI except numb3rs was used, like House but numb3rs was used than medical stuff....find the point of orign of 13 rape crimes and u will find the rapist... still can not beat CSI....
Tomorrow, no need to go to school. :) Y ? coz i don't have any papers tmr. Too bad for those taking bio or D&T or History(pure) or POA or Lit (pure) or Art in my school for Sec 3... i actually pity the art students... their paper is on friday.... hahahaha.....sorry for the outbust.... time for me to finish this and go to sleep...
--------Log Off-------------

Friday, 7 October 2005

after 8 exam paper...

k... after 4 days.... 8 exam paper... i m back blogging again... man the papers r damn hard especially SS.... but anyway should be able to pass. i think...for last 4 day been studying from 3pm to 12am... now resting before studying again for geog and add math. Well almost screw up my eng...hope ah seow is marking....

Monday, 3 October 2005

It's time...

It's time... today is the last day for teachers to put some sense into the stuff they been preaching for the last... 9 months... which was quite stressful... ML PHY is "amazing"... why? Think... 200 pages of ur physics TB in 2 periods or about 1 hr... That means he can finish the whole book in... what 3hrs!! Anyway, didn't learn a thing or at least that what i think... need more time to revise man... but... great.. PHY exam is on WED!!! argh.... At least got 5 'free' periods to calm my brain before A math... Ah seow messed up my CIP hours... i suppose to get 24 hrs, not 12 hrs, madam... haiz, not many people care about CIP hours now although the government put more emphasis on CCA and CIP....

it's time for my exam, starting tomorrow till monday.... Eng paper 1.... which i sux as i write out of the point... or is my hard to read handwriting... whichever, both are bad. At least Ah seow gave us the letter writing format, it is better than to rush to school tomorrow and ask about 10 idiots before they can answer u...

Man.. typing this blog does help my english... i hope so... How is my SS?
% of stuff remembered: 50%... quite ok if my SS paper is on WED... tomorrow is pure doom, lets hope not... but i don't know leh... anyway if i blog tmr that means i should pass my SS...
-----------------------Log off--------------------------

Saturday, 1 October 2005

What a "great" day

feel damn sick leh... in the meaning of unwell. Anyway, did the blogskin in 5hrs.... coz i can't seem to study, although de exams is on Tuesday with English paper 1 first thing in the morning... think i will fail ah... Talking about English, English Tuition was ok till the girl... err... ailing, i think or something like that, started saying that she was hungry for like 30 mins till i also hungry. Why i m hungry? Coz i had only a hot dog as i had to go to great world city... for what? FLL briefing... which they crap up... first reason is that usually students go for these briefing, but they asked for mentors... man, do what sci centre do lah... more fun... 2nd reason, it suppose to start at 2 but they waited for another mentor... as i said follow sci centre method, it is better and everybody like it (except teachers...)

Now staring at my laptop... falling to sleep... i better finish this blog b4 my mom start nagging...
memo to self: SUNDAY must study and mon must ask siva how to do the A math Q.....