Monday, 2 January 2012

things NEED to be done in 2012.


it is not a new year resolution list. it is more like I HAVE to complete this list of things in 2012.

1. GET MY DRIVING LICENSE [after tekong that is]: took my BTT when i was 18, and my FTT lapses last year... so ya...

2. Start making a list of photoshoot concepts with reference pics, location references

3. upgrade my NAS... i need 2 more 2TB

4. clear my backlog.

5. redo my portfolio

6. make a new demo reel.

7. clear my room. have too many shit.

8. saving money for new FX lens.

9. save more cash to upgrade to a FX cam in 2013

10. save some more cash in hopes to go to japan after NS.

11. need to stop being down.

12. get happy.

13. be positive.

14. Get attached...

chances that 11 to 14 won't happen this year i guess. i tried that in last year. it worked for awhile.but guess what i am back to square one like every year. i need to move on and find someone/ something else. whatever it is 2012 you better be better. i can't take another 2011 or 2010 or 2007...

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