i wonder why mediacorp do singapore idol for?...
a ) to get more viewership
b ) to find talent
c ) to show that the red dotters are dumb
d ) to show that the crazy youth of the country are dumb and rich and are females...
e ) for money
my answer would be c), d) and e)
they just need to have one singapore idol and all(most) all the singing talent are found... they had to wait 2 years for idol two to appear and during that period there were many more talent shows... superstar, superstar campus, superband, the indian one and the malay one... so many... so why still need?
it is cannot be for more viewership... coz this sg idol is has less people watching than the last one... it is like a repeat of the first one... except 'lousier' voices...
and yes it is to show that some singaporeans are dumb.... some were told that THEY SUX... in the last idols.... why come back? dumb right.... stupid people...
Well the idol shows that the some girls here are dumb and rich... look at the amount they spent on voting... on the guyz... those girls singing had no chance to beat the guyz cause we guyz rather save the 60 cents to play more LAN or buy some cam.... Those guyz at the idol are not the best singers from the whole list of them... yet... they are singing now....
and lastly mediacorp just want to earn the stupid money from the people... like the stupid gahmeh.... money no enough still want to take from us.... tsk... i hate this gahmeh..... now IMF[ idiots and morons forum ( one of my frens told me)] is over.... we can stop smiling...
so stop smiling lah.... and go back to the old complaining people....
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