Tuesday, 4 July 2006

i hate today... ah seow once again did the stupidest mistake. First, tell us that the prelim oral is postponed to next week, at the start of the day... then just before recess... she announced it was today... yes, i think i screwed it up... i saw my score... 6,9,10 = 25/40... i m dead... scored so fucking low...

1st was that the examiner made me paused like 5 times while i was reading the passage... -.- 2nd, she was cutting in when i was doing the picture... and she gave a converstion question that is like... waiting... plus i cannot hear her... she is too soft... bleh... plus 1st guy up... [ i have no idea why i stressed up... but it cause me to screw up big time.... T.T]

after the whole crap... went home for lunch and study geog... surrended half way and switched to chem... bleh... nite...

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